Venice Type-In
In case you missed it, the film’s Facebook page can be found HERE.
For the film’s official website, visit HERE.
That’s Christopher Lockett standing up front, and on that little table was a little Hermes on which guests were able to sign in.
Here’s a shot of the little theater before it filled completely for the first screening of the documentary film, The Typewriter (In the 21st Century).
This young lady brought a picture of her father-in-law, along with medals he won for typing competitions, as well as the very Underwood 5 he used in those competitions. There’s lots of history there.
My youngest daughter is on Michael’s very nice maroon Corona. Although I’ve never had any luck with these models, Michael’s example is absolutely gorgeous and a great typer, too.
My oldest daughter, who made the rounds and tried just about every typewriter there. She’s a typospherian in the making.
Ruben Flores from L.A. Office Machines was there answering questions, offering advice, and providing repair services. He was a great guy (as was everyone I met).
Steve Soboroff with some very fine examples from his collection of typewriters from both the famous and the infamous. He’s pictured here with Hemingway’s 1932 Royal.
I have no idea what kind of typewriter this was, but it belonged to Theodore Kaczynski, a.k.a. the Unabomber.
We helped carry Soboroff’s stuff to his car. I don’t know the name of the gentleman on the left. That’s Ermmano and Michael on the right.
This was the upstairs gallery with Louise’s artwork, as well as some typewriters within the room for visitors to try out.