Erica, the Gemini, aka: wind meets me, the Aries – fire and we discovered our mutual typewriter affinities. Beyond the intended function of the machines, the creative variations make it a wonderful lifestyle and friendship.
Erica creates joy in everyone she meets. Then she shares with each person the gratitude she feels in her blog Her Thank You Notes are typed, cheery, sincere and a great habit.
You probably know, I have a habit of creating images of typewriters as a means to communicate with the world. Lately my typewriter thoughts have been in black, white, grey and rainbows! But for Erica’s recent birthday, it was 3D and chartreuse. A bright green, chocolate Typewriter Cake graced a fabulous party at the the beginning of her new decade.
This Typewriter creative blaze is expanding in all directions…No worries though, we have it contained! 😉 #typewriter #typewriterart #typewritersaresexy